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Experience a happy and joyful time choosing your perfect wedding dress.
We offer you a dream dress that makes a graceful, sophisticated adult bride shine her own way.
Who we are
アイは「愛」 ソアは英語のsoarの音。「愛の飛翔」から生まれた造語。
「アイ」は英語の I 私にも通じ、たくさんの愛に包まれながら華やかでしなやかなドレスを身に纏い、私は飛び立つ、私は飛躍するという意味を持つ。
"aisoa" is the neologism created from 'ai' (Japanese word meaning "love") and the sound of the English word 'soar' to mean the "soar of love." "I", the homophone of "ai" also gives the connotation that "'I soar' like a bird flying high up in the air in the pleasure of love or that wearing the elegant and graceful dress I fly high up in the sky like a heavenly maiden.

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